Available For Free
With the help of the excellent Earth Mantra/earthMANTRA and Just Not Normal netlabels, I have made a lot of my artistic output (and that of the various groups and festivals I have participated in) available for free under a Creative Commons license (3.0 Attribution/No Derivative Works/Noncommercial). What does that mean? You can’t sell my records; you can’t change the material or repurpose it without my permission; and you can’t take my name off it and put someone else’s on. Aside from that, it’s free to listen to, copy, distribute, and enjoy. Send it far and wide!
All I ask is that you drop me an email and tell me you liked it (or didn’t), and point people to my website to get their own copies and maybe find other things to enjoy.
On Earth Mantra:
Listed by artist:
metlay! (my solo output):
mindSpiral (in this case, mind8Spiral, a.k.a. Infinity Sideways):
Different Skies (CDs of live improv, two each from the festivals in 2007 and 2008):
labrathisattva (Lab-rat-i-SAT-va):
On Just Not Normal:
mindSpiral: The Redundancy of Suicide