EEK! Mr Spiral and Friends Play Live - Don't Miss it!
You’ve got less than two days to clear your calendar! With the holiday season on us, there are plenty of offerings for your seasonal...
Paws for a New Release!
I’m delighted to be the bearer of good news and announce that Mike has a new album out on the excellent Aural Films label. Continuing...
A New Look
Yes, we’ve cleaned up our act a bit… the new theme is much clearer and easier to read, without sacrificing any of our features. We (and...
Inspiration Comes in Many Forms
I had meant to share this quite some time ago (don’t ask me where October went, I’d rather not discuss it), but hadn’t the chance. One of...
More Ambient With Your Coffee, Sir?
Live music is always special. It has an energy all its own and it’s not an option for the faint-hearted. Performing solo to an audience...
A Thousand Words (plus a bit) about Metlay! Live at La Vita Bella - September 20 2014
I will be streaming live on StillStream right after that day’s scheduled programming; if you tune in, you’ll hear Rebekkah Hilgraves...
Oh Dear Indeed!
And so my dream has come to fruition…! Here’s the rig I’ll be using for the gig at La Vita Bella on September 20, or near enough; what...
Oh Dear...
It’s rare that I get any real inspiration from dreams, but it happens. Dreams are “brain processing stuff it didn’t have time to handle...
You Have to Have a Plan...
…even if you know it won’t survive long enough to tell people about it. As I prepare to wrap up another issue of Recording, I am looking...
Palace of Lights
Well, knock me over with a feather! Palace Of Lights is a reborn incarnation of the exceptional small experimental-music label of the...